Hand to hand combat


Good results are obtained by mastering the skills of various martial arts: army hand-to-hand combat, Indonesian Pencak Silat, Malay and Burmese boxing


Ensuring the interconnection of all sections of the «Golden Triangle System» as a coherent system that allows you to move from working in close combat without weapons to working at various distances with edged weapons and beyond, including the work of short-barreled and long-barreled firearms. The need for hand-to-hand combat arises in a real combat situation, for example, in the event of a weapon failure (malfunction) or when “working” at distances that are unacceptable for fire contact.

Basic disciplines of hand-to-hand combat:

  • Basics of movement, choosing a distance
  • Combat distances
  • Painful and suffocating methods of wrestling, leading to the loss of combat effectiveness of the enemy
  • Strikes at particularly vulnerable points of the enemy and protection from strikes
  • Release from grips and grips
  • Protection from weapon threat
  • Protection from attacks from an armed enemy
  • Knife fighting techniques
  • Fighting techniques with a small shovel
  • Machine gun fighting techniques
  • Combat techniques with blunt weapons

Knife technique

Knife throwing

The author’s system of teaching target throwing of objects is based on knowledge of the anatomical structure of the body and its physiological functioning in combination with the psychological aspects of the “man-weapon” system:
  • Versatility and application regardless of the throwing object helps reduce training time to achieve sustainable results. This technique can be used both in developing target throwing skills and in teaching intuitive shooting
  • Knife throwing is an extremely useful skill. It develops an excellent eye and sense of distance
  • Throwing requires great endurance and high concentration, reminiscent of sports shooting
  • During the training, the specifics of knives are studied, since mainly special throwing knives are suitable for throwing. By acquiring the skill of targeted throwing, the student will learn to throw not only special knives, but also objects completely unsuitable for throwing, such as screwdrivers, needles and nails
  • By acquiring the skill of targeted throwing, the student will learn to throw not only special knives, but also objects completely unsuitable for throwing, such as screwdrivers, needles and nails The basis is a half-turn blade throw and a non-revolving (handle throw) technique.
  • This discipline has virtually no age restrictions.

Training practices

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